Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Welcome GuestVolume 17 No 66
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Flagging off the Journal
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Tributes to Prof Rustom Roy

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World Academy of Authentic Healing Sciences® Mangalore, India.
Mission and Vision
To put together a system of medical care delivery which is authentic, inexpensive, patient friendly, accessible world wide sans boundaries, and without harmful side effects to do most good to most people most of the time. (Vision)
Our mission is to assist Nature in trying to keep humans healthy as long as they live with the help of the inbuilt immune guard that all of us are born with. We call this the Wellness Concept (separate paper attached). In the unlikely event of people falling ill, we are trying to put together the above stated system of medical care (Meta Medicine) that incorporates the emergency methods of management basically from the hi-tech modern medicine with necessary modifications(10% of the population at a given time). Majority (90%) of the sick population suffer from minor illness syndromes and easily treatable diseases that have a time frame of their own for cure with simple methods of management accessed from multiple systems of medical care found all over the world which have stood the test of time based on observational research going on, in some cases like Ayurveda, for thousands of years. Our main concern is to authenticate all such claims using most modern hard scientific yardstick. Only when the method passes our strict scientific criteria does that get included into the new system.
Most of our scientific research does not fit into the conventional, reductionist, and statistical linear model of medical science that is being practised now. “Science is making models, mostly mathematical constructs which, with verbal jargon, are supposed to work” (John von Newmann). With that definition modern medical science, mostly statistical science, uses the linear model in a fully non-linear dynamic system-the human body. Consequently, it is a square plug in a round hole. That is precisely the reason why modern medicine has become more of a bane to society than a boon (JAMA 2000; 284: 483-485)
Our unconventional, holistic, and non-linear models do not go through the peer review system of modern medical scientific world of publications. Naturally, we have to have our own journal which we started in the year 2008 (conceived in 2005) with an editorial board that reads like the who-is who in modern science with Nobel Laureates and many others much more than that. While Professor Rustum Roy, world’s leading material scientist from Penn State University, is the Co editor in Chief and Professor BM Hegde , a Padma Bhushan awardee (2010) the third highest civilian award by Government of India for his contribution to Medicine, is the editor in Chief. The journal, which is basically a web based journal having a print version of mostly abstracts of the articles published. It has already caught the imagination of the scientific world.
Research work:
Our backbone and our aim is research to authenticate healing methods from every conceivable source. This requires both money and man power. We have been able achieve quite a bit of research output using minimum man power and minimal expenditure. Since we do not accept money from the rich pharmaceutical lobby (which funds most conventional medical research) with strings attached, we live on the large hearted philanthropes for our existence both of our research and the journal. People have been good to us and have kept us going so far. Our main support came from Professor Rustum Roy’s Friends of Health, a registered charity in the USA, with identical mission and vision (in a sense it is our parent body) of that great scientist, Professor Rustum Roy, the father of nano-science, who invented the Sol-Gel technique in 1954 which even today is used to extract nano-particles all over the world. His original paper has had 65,000 citations to date. He was the Fellow of all Academies of Science all over the world. Nominated 21 times to Nobel he is yet to get it, thanks to his unconventional lateral thinking. He gave birth to the Friends of Health many years ago. He was an appointed Professor of Medicine at Arizona University in addition. He is our inspiration.
We have two centres where we work in India-Mangalore and Chennai. Professor CV Krishnaswamy is our inspiration in Chennai where we have been able to get a new research wing at the VHS centre in Adyar solely because of CVK’s efforts. We do many of our clinical trials there. Bench research and some clinical trials are done in Mangalore in a rented building as of now. The journal office is also in Mangalore but the web processing is done by a company, Health Tracks, in Chennai.
Work done so far:
We have done bench research in assessing the anti-biotic spectrum of and toxicity profiles of a new Nano-silver solution, originally authenticated and invented by Professor Rustum Roy in the USA. The first ever animal studies were done to get the solution for clinical trials in Mangalore. The results are already published in conventional peer reviewed journals. The laboratory studies done at the International Institute of Biotechnology in Delhi found that this solution kills both Falciparum and chloroquine resistant malaria parasite in vitro very effectively. We are poised for human trials ASAP.
Professor BM Hegde had a new hypothesis for the cause of idiopathic hypertension which he had published years ago. We are now authenticating that hypothesis by human studies using enthusiastic medical students to help us. They do not demand money for their work.
Professor CV Krishnaswamy’s refutative research efforts in Diabetes which is his forte are going on at the Chennai centre funded by many of his friends there. The Centre is called TAG centre as the main contributors were the TAG industries.
Late Dr. Glen Gordon, a close friend of Rustum Roy and BM Hegde, had passed on his invention just prior to his untimely death, the EM Pulse, an electromagnetic energy device, which could rejuvenate dying, ischaemic, and traumatized or inflamed human body cells irrespective of the organ involved. We have made much progress with this instrument being successfully used in treating acute heart and brain attacks, damaged cells in any human organ as also in many chronic degenerative diseases. We will be publishing all these soon. One paper has been accepted already for publication in the Cases Journal in London. Majority of the clinical trials of Em Probe were done at our Chennai centre under the guidance of CVK.
We are regularly publishing our new knowledge in the British Medical Journal where Professor BM Hegde has 191 refutative research ideas published as letters to the editor to date.
JSHO, our official journal is into its third year of publication and has been doing well although suffering from acute financial need from time to time! Our printers, Manipal Power Press have been more than considerate so far.
The EM Probe of Glen Gordon is being manufactured by us in Manipal by an enthusiastic engineer brothers’ company, Manipal Dotnet.com. The new prototype is ready for human testing. Our aim is to make this tool available to the poorest of the poor also in the world.
The Indian Trust (Registered in Mangalore) that owns the World Academy of Authentic Healing Sciences: Patron: Professor Rustum Roy, Penn. State University. USA
Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah, Former Chief Justice of India.
Mr. D.R. Kaarthikeyan, Former Director of the Central Bureau of Investigations, India.
Professor C.V. Krishnaswamy, Former Clinical Professor of Medicine, Stanley Medical College, Chennai.
Dr.Narasimha Bhat, Executive Management, Manipal dot net, Manipal,Karnataka State
Dr Srinath P. Shetty, s/o Mr Pratap Shetty, Consultant Endocrinologist, Mangalore
Author of the Trust:
Professor BM Hegde, Padma Bhushan Awardee 2010 Former Vice Chancellor, Manipal University.

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