Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Welcome GuestVolume 17 No 65
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About JSHO
Aims of the Journal
Editorial Office
Board of Editors
JSHO in the news
Flagging off the Journal
WPH Voices
Tributes to Prof Rustom Roy

Attention to Contributors
Authors please note


Attention to Contributors
The Journal of Science of Healing Outcomes (JSHO) is an unusual journal in the sense that it publishes reports in the area of healing outcomes, in any field of whole person healing; or CAM; or 20th century Western medicine; all novel medical or traditional healing systems which are rigorously authenticated.
JSHO has a panel of distinguished editorial board members—members of many National Academies including Sweden (Nobel Laureates), world’s leading material scientists, inheritors of Albert Einstein’s chair, leaders in various CAM medical care fields, medical scientists of repute, vice chancellors and deans of medical schools, leaders in the Nursing world, professors in prestigious universities, and the former editor of the British Medical Journal.
The journal uses the super-peer review system in that the journal relies on the fact that an author of many dozens of papers—as established via a bibliography—is a good candidate for continuing to publish significant, reliable work. The Managing Editor will review the paper himself and, as needed, assign it to one of the members of the editorial board having expertise in the area of research reported in the paper and in the unlikely event of one such being unavailable on the board, one outside specialist may be invited to review the paper.
The author(s) can be any observant citizen, or member of any of the healing professions: Nurses, surgeons, physicians, or scientists in the physical sciences or engineering. At least one author must have published at least 20 or more papers in regular scientific or medical journals. A bibliography of such publications is a requirement. An alternative route is provided for younger or new authors in that the paper must be authenticated and “submitted” by any “mentor” with such qualifications. This step is essential to attempt to curb fake materials at the entry point itself which so often afflicts the leading science journals. Another deterrent is the fact that using the same methodology, any discussion or critique of any paper may be submitted by any author. The system has proved itself to be very effective and extremely time saving for all.
This journal is unique also in especially inviting reports on Single Case studies, as in the grand tradition of science. Such data are of great importance for genuine innovative science. The journal does not usually publish—but does not exclude—the statistical science of RCTs (randomized controlled trials, etc.) but always needs appropriate scientific background and data for the work to be published and the evidence of healing. The arguments for such validation in single case work have been summarized in an outstanding paper in Alternative Therapies, by Kiene and von Schön-Angerer (Vol. 4, 41-47, 1998) to which authors may turn.
Submission is typically via email to the editorial office in Mangalore, India: waahs.jsho@gmail.com
Guidelines to Authors—The Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes
By submitting to the journal of The Science and Healing Outcomes authors acknowledge and accept that papers are considered for publication on the basis:
1. That the paper presents original work that is not being considered or reviewed by any other publication, and has not been published elsewhere in the same or very similar form.
2. That all authors are aware of, and have consented to, the submission to The Science of Healing Outcomes.
3. That due regard has been paid to all ethical considerations relating to the work reported.
4. That the paper contains, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no libellous or unlawful statements.
All submissions or proposals should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief at waahs.jsho@gmail.com Submission by email is preferred. The initial submission (in PDF or Word format) must conform to the guidelines laid out below and must include:
• A complete manuscript of the paper which must include a paragraph specifically indicating how the literature was searched.
• An extended abstract
• Figures must be supplied in digital form as a separate, clearly named file.
On acceptance of a contribution for publication, authors must provide text files in MS Word format suitable for typesetting and high resolution image files. Page proofs will be emailed to authors in PDF format and should be corrected and returned as quickly as possible.
The guide length is 3500 words, excluding tables and figures. There is no restriction in the use of colour in illustrations.
The extended abstract must be between 1300 and 1800 words in length. One or two small figures (regarded as equivalent to 250 words each) may be included if space permits. It is important, especially for indexing services, that the abstract be intelligible independently of the article. It should be presumed that the reader has some knowledge of the subject but has not read the paper. There is no obligation to include references in this abstract but a few key citations may be included as footnotes. Figures will be reproduced in monochrome unless the author is prepared to contribute towards the additional cost of colour reproduction. Authors must ensure that the figures supplied are clear and legible when reproduced in black and white.
Reference and notes should be numbered serially in a single sequence. Citations in the text should be as superior characters, thus,1,2,4–6 outside any punctuation marks. References cited for the first time in a table or figure caption should be numbered as if they appeared in the text where the table or figure is first mentioned. References should be set out in a complete list at the end of the paper, numbered according to their appearance in the text, not positioned as footnotes.
Journal abbreviations in references follow the ISO system, e.g.
K. Y. Saleh and N. B. Smith, Mater. Res. Innov., 2006, 10, (2), 62–65.
L. Dossey: Alternative Therapies, 2000, 6, (2), 12–21.
M. Chaplin: Homeopathy, 2007, 96, 143–150.
Figures should be cited in a single sequence throughout the text as 'Fig.1', 'Fig.2', etc.
Image file formats and resolution
Acceptable file formats are TIFF, JPEG and EPS. If supplying EPS files, ensure that all fonts are attached. Figures embedded in Word documents are not generally suitable for reproduction.
Equations and tables should also be numbered in sequence and referred to in the text as, for example, 'equation (1)' and 'Table 1' respectively.
Examples of Paper Content, Format, Typical Outline—JSHO papers
Title—e.g. Influence of EM and acoustic fields—device on an autistic boy
(note: avoid specialized terms; as few as possible)
Authors—e.g. Sylvia Estevez*,1, Malvin Jones2 and John Smith3
(note: add superscripts)
Affiliations—e.g. 1University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, 2The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, 3University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030
(note: follow authors’ superscripts in order)
Corresponding author—e.g. *Corresponding author, email: jsho22@psu.edu
(I) Abstract
Describe succinctly in a several sentences:
 the starting condition and the how the choice was made for this approach
 the most recent (one or two), conventional methods tried and the results
 what was actually done and for how long
 the results in quality of life; also side effects
(II) Background and introduction to condition
Must give as much, as possible, data on person involved, as observed or measured directly, or as obtained from hospitals or any agencies
(III) Description of treatment
Techniques, practices, “medicines” used as treatment; frequency of use, repetition, etc.
(IV) Results
What were the outcomes from these interactions? descriptions, data, photos, etc.
(V) Discussion, Conclusions
(VI) Acknowledgements
(VII) References
(VIII) Figures, tables
For further information or clarification,
e-mail: waahs.jsho@gmail.com

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